Thursday, June 18, 2020

Sailpoint IdenityIQ Run Rule Task Input Field Of Different Type

Generally in Run Rule Task we select the rule which need to be triggered , But if we have a requirement were the Run Rule Task takes the input from the user while triggering and that too input field should be of multiples type such as Text Field , Multi-Select , Radio Button , Check box , drop down ; that we can achieve using the below customization :-)
1. Create a xhtml file named "visCustomRuleTask.xhtml"and copy the same file in the  identityiq_home/monitor/tasks/ directory on the server on which identityIQ is running ,basically copy the below code and make the xhtml file.

                "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

<html xmlns=""
    <div style="width:97%;">
        <table class="spTable" cellspacing="0">
                <th colspan="2">Rule Run Input Values</th>
	<!-- Dropdown Value -->			
                    <sp:outputText value="#{taskDefinition.argMap['country'].argument.prompt}"/>
                    <h:selectOneMenu id="country" value="#{taskDefinition.argMap['country'].value}">
                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="India" itemValue="India"></f:selectItem>
			<f:selectItem itemLabel="Brazil" itemValue="Brazil"></f:selectItem>
                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="USA" itemValue="United States"></f:selectItem>						
                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="UK" itemValue="United Kingdom"></f:selectItem>
	    <!-- Text Value -->			
		    <sp:outputText value="#{taskDefinition.argMap['dbName'].argument.prompt}"/>
                    <h:inputText size="40" id="dbName" value="#{taskDefinition.argMap['dbName'].value}" required="true" />
                    <a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">
                    <h:message styleClass="formError" for="dbName" />
	    <!-- Text Value -->			
		<sp:outputText value="#{taskDefinition.argMap['ruleName'].argument.prompt}"/>
                    <sp:inputText size="40" id="ruleName" value="#{taskDefinition.argMap['ruleName'].value}" redisplay="true" autocomplete="off" required="true" />
                    <a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">
                    <h:message styleClass="formError" for="ruleName"/>
           <!-- Secret Value -->
                   <sp:outputText value="#{taskDefinition.argMap['password'].argument.prompt}"/>
                    <sp:inputSecret size="40" id="password" value="#{taskDefinition.argMap['password'].value}" redisplay="true" autocomplete="off" required="true" />
                    <a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">
                    <h:message styleClass="formError" for="password"/>
                    <sp:outputText value="#{taskDefinition.argMap['noAutoCreate'].argument.prompt}"/>
                   <h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="noAutoCreate" value="#{taskDefinition.argMap['noAutoCreate'].booleanValue}"/>
            <!-- Multi Select Values -->
		    <sp:outputText  value="#{taskDefinition.argMap['color'].argument.prompt}"/>
                    <h:selectManyListbox size="7" value="#{taskDefinition.argMap['color'].objectListValue}">
                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Black" itemValue="Black"/>
                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Blue" itemValue="Blue"/>
                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Green" itemValue="Green"/>
                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Red" itemValue="Red"/>
            <!-- Radio button Value -->
                <td valign="top">
                    <sp:outputText value="#{taskDefinition.argMap['mode'].argument.prompt}"/>
                    <h:selectOneRadio id="mode" value="#{taskDefinition.argMap['mode'].value}">
                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Full" itemValue="full" />
                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Incremental" itemValue="incremental"/>
	     <!-- Select Rule Object -->
                    <sp:outputText  value="#{taskDefinition.argMap['ruleAll'].argument.prompt}"/>
                    <a4j:outputPanel id="creationRulePanel">
                    <h:selectOneMenu id="ruleAll" value="#{taskDefinition.argMap['ruleAll'].value}">
                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Rule All" itemValue=""/>
                        <f:selectItems value="#{taskDefinition.argMap['ruleAll'].objectNames}"/>


2. Create a TaskDefination object using the debug page 

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE TaskDefinition PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<TaskDefinition  formPath="/monitor/tasks/visCustomRuleTask.xhtml" name="VIS Custom Rule Run Task" resultAction="Delete" subType="task_item_type_generic" type="Generic">
      <entry key="TaskDefinition.runLengthAverage" value="0"/>
      <entry key="TaskDefinition.runLengthTotal" value="4"/>
      <entry key="TaskDefinition.runs" value="36"/>
      <entry key=""/>
      <entry key="taskCompletionEmailNotify" value="Disabled"/>
      <entry key="taskCompletionEmailRecipients"/>
      <entry key="taskCompletionEmailTemplate"/>
      <entry key="ruleName" value="VIS Custom Rule Run"/>
  <Description>A task that can be used to run an arbitrary rule.</Description>
    <Reference class="sailpoint.object.Identity" name="spadmin"/>
    <Reference class="sailpoint.object.TaskDefinition" name="Run Rule"/>
      <Argument helpKey="help_task_run_rule_rule" name="ruleName" type="string">
      <Argument helpKey="User Country" name="country" type="string">
        <Prompt>User Country</Prompt>
      <Argument helpKey="Database Name" name="dbName" type="string">
        <Prompt>Database Name</Prompt>
      <Argument helpKey="Password" name="password" type="secret">
      <Argument helpKey="Auto Create" name="noAutoCreate" type="boolean">
        <Prompt>Auto Create</Prompt>
      <Argument helpKey="Color" multi="true" name="color" type="string">
      <Argument helpKey="Mode" name="mode" type="string">
      <Argument helpKey="Rule All" name="ruleAll" type="Rule">
        <Prompt>All Rule</Prompt>

3. Create a Rule which need to be triggered when the above task is triggered

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE Rule PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<Rule language="beanshell" name="VIS Custom Rule Run">
  <Description>This rule is used to Run Rule .</Description>
      <Argument name="log">
          The log object associated with the SailPointContext.
      <Argument name="context">
          A sailpoint.api.SailPointContext object that can be used to query the database if necessary.
		import sailpoint.object.Identity;
		import java.util.List;
		import java.util.ArrayList;
		import sailpoint.object.TaskDefinition;
		import sailpoint.object.TaskResult;
		import sailpoint.object.Filter;
		import sailpoint.object.QueryOptions;
		import sailpoint.object.Application;
		import java.util.*;
		import sailpoint.object.ManagedResource;
		import java.lang.*;

		System.out.println("----Task Start ---------");
		TaskDefinition taskDef = context.getObjectByName(TaskDefinition.class,"VIS Custom Rule Run Task");
		System.out.println("Task Definition:"+taskDef);

		String ruleName = taskDef.getString("ruleName");
		String country = taskDef.getString("country");
		String dbName = taskDef.getString("dbName");
		String password = taskDef.getString("password");
		String noAutoCreate = taskDef.getString("noAutoCreate");
		String color = taskDef.getString("color");
		String mode = taskDef.getString("mode");
		String ruleAll = taskDef.getString("ruleAll");

		System.out.println("----Task End ---------");
  		return "Success";

4. Search the Task name in Task which is created in above step , you will see different type of input in this task ,here we have using different types of input such as
  •     Drop down
  •     Text Field
  •     Secret Field
  •     Checkbox
  •     Multi-Select
  •     Radio Button
  •     Object Selector 

5. We have written the Rule which is just printing the input value from the task , here we can see the output as the different value selected / Input while triggering this Run Rule Task.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Adding Attribute to UI from Identity Warehouse Sailpoint Identity IQ

Adding the Custom Extended or OOTB Attribute to the Identity Warehouse , You can edit UIConfig through the Debug Page or by merging the new columns into the UIConfig.

<ColumnConfig dataIndex="inactive" groupProperty="inactive" headerKey="inactive" hideable="true" property="inactive" sortProperty="inactive" sortable="true" stateId="inactive"/>
<ColumnConfig dataIndex="correlated" groupProperty="correlated" headerKey="Auth Source" hideable="true" property="correlated" sortProperty="correlated" sortable="true" stateId="correlated"/>

headerKey - will be the header string that's displayed at the top of the identity table view in the UI.

hideable - indicates whether the user can hide this column or not using the controls in the UI.

property - indicates the property that contains the value you want to display. For identity attributes, this will be the identity attribute name (as defined in your Identity Mappings.)

sortProperty - indicates the property to use to sort this column

sortable - indicates whether this field is sortable using the controls in the UI.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Sailpoint IdentityIQ Email Advance Analytics Report

Any OOTB report which is created in Sailpoint IdentityIQ using the Advance Analytics  can't be send as the attachment , as we have seen in OOTB report which is created using the Reports Section has a standard properties where we can define the email Address / or select the user where the report to be sent , but the same selection is not possible for the report created using the Advance Analytics

But using some workaround this can be done , Here i have created a report for all the user having First Name as a "Vishal"

Save the Report , This report will be visible in Report --> My Report Section

Navigate to Debug page in IdentityIQ

Open the Created Report in the debug page to add the identities to which report need to be sent ,Make sure the identity which is added has the email attribute populated , follow the tag as sown in the image 

<entry key="emailIdentities">
            <String><ID Value></String>

 Navigate to the Report --> My Report , Search the Report which has been created using the Advance Analytics , right click and click Execute to trigger the report

Check for the Email with the Report as the attachment , if report is not yet delivered check the Audit logs