Saturday, August 4, 2018


A brief overview of Entitlement Attributes in SailPoint IIQ followed by instructions on how to configure or set the Entitlement Attributes of the application..

Click on the link for on-boarding the Delimiter (Flat File base connector) . Make sure the step given in the link are completed before setting the property of the Entitlement such as the owner , Role Name , Role Display Name and Entitlement is requestable.

1. Open the Account Group Aggregation Task which was used in previous post for loading the Entitlement for the Application

2.We need to write the logic for the Group Aggregation Refresh Rule (This Rule is will called before committing any change related to the Entitlement Task ) So what-even attribute which we want to set for the particular entitlement before committing the changes we have to write the BL here in this rule.

3. Save the Rule and Execute the Task.

4. Verify the entitlement from Entitlement Catalog and check the values are set.

5. We have written the logic in which we are reading the Entitlement Attribute present in the File and setting the Entitlement owner , Entitlement Display Name , Entitlement Description and whether the Entitlement is requestable or not .