Sunday, January 27, 2019

Installing and registering IQService

To install and register the IQService, do the following:
1. Create a directory D:\ IQService in the windows server to copy the file
2. Copy the file from the IdentityIQ installation into this directory. The file is located in identityiq_home/WEB-INF/bin/win where identityiq_home is the directory in which the identityiq.war file is expanded
3. Expand the
 4. Run IQService.exe -i -p 5050 to install a Windows service named IQService
   Give a different port if 5050 is already in use
5. Run regedit and traverse to following path to set the log related attributes
The following keys are used:
1. port - port on which to listen
2. tracefile - path to the trace file
3. tracelevel - 0 (off), 3 (verbose)
4. maxTraceFiles - maximum number of trace log files
5. traceFileSize: maximum file size of a trace file in bytes
6. Open the SailPoint IQService-Instance from the services and change the Log On to the service account (Domain\ServiceAccountName)
 7. Start the service from the Windows Services Applet or from the command line by running IQService.exe -s