Monday, November 18, 2019

Sailpoint IIQ Audit WorkFlow using OOTB Audit Method

If you want to add custom auditing to existing Audit method in a workflow or any where in the call etc., it's as easy as below, creating and call a audit method and setting the Action, Source, Target and values.

Here we need to make sure that we are adding proper action and source so that it's easily tracked.  

<Step action="call:audit" icon="Audit" name="Audit" posX="920" posY="91">
    <Arg name="string1" value="value1"/>
    <Arg name="string2" value="value2"/>
    <Arg name="string3" value="value3"/>
    <Arg name="string4" value="value4"/>
    <Arg name="action" value="Service Account Management"/>
    <Arg name="source" value="Service Account Management"/>
    <Arg name="target" value="spadmin"/>
    <Description>This step is use to Audit the Operation performed and the Values set during the operation.</Description>
    <Transition to="Stop"/>

Enable the Audit from the Audit Config Object from the Sailpoint IIQ Debug Page  

Use the Advance Analytics and Use Search Type as Audit to see the Entry