Showing posts with label AfterProvisioning Rule. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AfterProvisioning Rule. Show all posts

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Sailpoint IQ Active Directory Application Integration Using OOTB Connector - Provisioning

Integration of Active Directory with SailPoint IIQ

Below Steps need to be followed for the Active Directory and Sailpoint IIQ Integration

1. Need to Install IQ Service , All the Provisioning for Active Directory from IIQ happens through the Agent  which need to be installed
follow the steps to install the IQ service 

2. Need to step the Application and Aggregate all the existing groups and the Accounts from the Active Directory

follow this steps for Setting up the Active Directory Application. 

3. Create the Filed value Rule 
follow the steps for creating field value Rule

4. Create the Provisioning form and populating the value for the fields which are mandatory for creating the Active Directory account
Object Type -->User
Account DN --> User DN
User ID --> samAccountName
User Principal Name -->Log-on Name
First Name
Last Name
Full Name

Make sure below Filed Value Rule Mapping is done for all the Required fields

5.  Creating the After Provisioning Rule
Follow the Instruction 

6. Attach this Rule in the Rule section of the Application in after Provisiong Rule , This Rule will send the Email for Success and Failure of the operation on the User.

Also make sure that this email Template are created 
Active Directory PH Accounts Joiner AD Account Creation Notification
Active Directory PH Accounts Joiner AD Failure Notification
7. Now go to the Access Request Page , Select the User --> Select any of the Entitlement belongs to this Application and Submit the request (make sure the Entitlement is requestable , then only it will be available in the Access Request Page)

8. After Submission , it will go through the Approval , which can be Track from the Track Request Page , Once the Approval is done , Provisioning will start

9. Run the Perform Maintenance Task to  Trigger the Provisioning.

10. Check the AD and see if the user is created with the values populated in filed value rule and Entitlement request will also get added  and also Email will be Triggered with the account details and the Password.

11. Run Perform Identity Request Maintenance Task to complete the Request. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Sailpoint Rule - AfterProvisioning Rule

Sailpoint Identity IQ IIQ Rule - AfterProvisioning Rule

Creating a AfterProvisioning Rule and sending the details in email with the details

Below code will give the below details.

1. Read all the required constant value from the custom object
2. send the email to the user manager and also to the user with the details once the account creation is successful.
3. send the email to the user and user manager with the error details if the account creation fails
4. this also gives the information about the request ID

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE Rule PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<Rule language="beanshell" name="Active Directory PH Accounts After Provisioning Rule" type="AfterProvisioning">
  <Description>An IdentityIQ server-side rule that is executed after the connector's provisioning method is called. This gives the customer the ability to customize or react to anything in the ProvisioningPlan AFTER it has been sent out to the specific applications. 

    This rule will be called for any application found in a plan that also has a configured 'afterProvisioningRule' configured.</Description>
      <Argument name="log">
          The log object associated with the SailPointContext.
      <Argument name="context">
          A sailpoint.api.SailPointContext object that can be used to query the database if necessary.
      <Argument name="plan">
          The ProvisioningPlan object on its way to the Connector.
      <Argument name="application">
          The application object that references this before/after script.
      <Argument name="result">
          The ProvisioningResult object returned by the connectors provision method. This can be null and in many cases the connector will  not return a result and instead will annotate the plan's ProvisioningResult either at the plan or account level.        
  import java.util.Map;
  import java.util.HashMap;
  import sailpoint.object.Identity;
  import sailpoint.object.EmailOptions;
  import sailpoint.object.EmailTemplate;
  import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan; 
  import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningResult;
  import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.AccountRequest; 
  import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.AttributeRequest;
  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
  import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

  Log log = LogFactory.getLog("rule.afterProvisioningRule");
  log.debug("Entering After Provisioning Rule");

  String email = "";
  String defalutEmail = "";
  String plainPassword = "";
  String trackingID= "";
  String usersAMAccountName = "";
  Identity identity = null;

  log.debug("Plan Source " + plan.getSource());
  if (plan != null &amp;amp;&amp;amp; plan.getSource().equals("LCM")) {
    ProvisioningResult provisioningResult = plan.getResult();
    trackingID = plan.getTrackingId();
    identity = plan.getIdentity();

    if(identity != null){
      log.debug("Identity " + identity);
      String userEmail = identity.getEmail();

      log.debug("userEmail " + userEmail);
      for (AccountRequest accountRequest : plan.getAccountRequests("Active Directory PH Accounts")) {
        ProvisioningPlan.AccountRequest.Operation op = accountRequest.getOperation();
        if (op != null &amp;amp;&amp;amp; accountRequest.getOperation().equals(AccountRequest.Operation.Create)){
          log.debug("Operation " + accountRequest.getOperation());
          log.debug("status " + accountRequest.getResult().getStatus());

          AttributeRequest attrsamAccountName = accountRequest.getAttributeRequest("sAMAccountName");
          if(null != attrsamAccountName) {
            usersAMAccountName = (String) attrsamAccountName.getValue();
            log.debug("sAMAccount Name from the provisioning rule : " + usersAMAccountName);

          if(accountRequest != null &amp;amp;&amp;amp; accountRequest.getResult().getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("Committed")){

            String identityRequest = plan.get("identityRequestId").toString();
            log.debug("identityRequest of the user from the privilege After Provisioning : "+identityRequest);

            EmailTemplate createTemplate = context.getObjectByName(EmailTemplate.class, "Active Directory PH Accounts Joiner AD Account Creation Notification");
            EmailOptions options = new EmailOptions();

            Map args = new HashMap();
          if(accountRequest != null &amp;amp;&amp;amp; accountRequest.getResult().getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("failed")){
            String adError = accountRequest.getResult().getErrors().get(0).getKey();
            EmailTemplate template = context.getObjectByName(EmailTemplate.class, "Active Directory PH Accounts Joiner AD Failure Notification");
            EmailOptions options = new EmailOptions();
            Map args = new HashMap();
  log.debug("Exiting After Provisioning Rule");